Dr. Mary Kinney
Researcher, School of Public Health
University of the Western Cape
South Africa
Dr. Mary Kinney is a health policy and systems researcher focusing on maternal and newborn health issues. Ms. Kinney is passionate about using evidence in global and national advocacy efforts and has worked in the health policy space for nearly 20 years translating evidence into policy action. She worked for the Save the Children US’s Saving Newborn Lives program for over a decade and has led and contributed to a number of influential policy documents for maternal and newborn health, including the Every Newborn Action Plan, The Lancet Ending preventable stillbirth series, The Lancet Every newborn series and Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report for Preterm Births. Dr. Kinney is an Assistant Editor at the BMC Reproductive Health and has served on multiple global maternal newborn health technical working and oversight groups, including the Global Alliance for Newborn Care, PMNCH Accountability TWG, the Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group, and the MPDSR TWG. She has worked extensively in low- and middle-income countries and is based in South Africa. Dr. Kinney has a PhD in Public Health and a Masters in International Relations.