Maternal and newborn healthcare must be guided by the implementation of evidence-based quality care standards. WHO standards for improving quality of maternal and newborn care in health facilities have been adopted and adapted by all Network countries. The implementation of the standards is supported by QoC for MNH intervention packages which include MNH clinical decision support tools, protocols, audits and reviews, collaborative team-based improvement cycles and in-service training and competency development etc. The intervention packages are diverse across countries and reflect the country context and MNH QoC priorities. In Ethiopia the standards were integrated into the national quality standards and audit tools for hospitals and health facilities. In Bangladesh, Ghana and Malawi in addition to their use as a quality improvement (QI) reference tool, the standards were also used to assess QoC in health facilities. By the end of 2020, eight countries had developed their related QoC implementation packages. Most Network countries continue to depend on partner resources and technical support to implement the packages within and beyond learning districts.