Summary: In 2015, the strategies for Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality (EPMM), a global multi-partner initiative, outlined broad strategies for maternal health programs. To accelerate progress toward the SDG targets and goals, EPMM has established coverage targets and milestones to track progress to 2030.
- Aligned with SDG 3.1 – by 2030, the global maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is reduced to less than 70 per 100,000 live births, and no country should have an MMR over 140 per 100,000 live births, EPMM recommends these national targets to increase equity in global MMR reduction:
- For countries with MMR less than 420 in 2010 (the majority of countries worldwide): reduce the MMR by at least two thirds from the 2010 baseline by 2030.
- For all countries with baseline MMR greater than 420 in 2010: the rate of decline should be steeper so that in 2030, no country has an MMR greater than 140.
- For all countries with low baseline MMR in 2010: achieve equity in MMR for vulnerable populations at the subnational level
- Coverage targets for 2023: To achieve high-quality MNH, 5 targets are set for three levels: global, national and sub-national. The first 3 targets are in common with the ENAP targets, given the importance of maintaining the maternal-newborn dyad.
- Target 1: Every pregnant woman has 4 or more antenatal care contacts
- Target 2: Every birth is attended by skilled health personnel
- Target 3: Every woman and newborn receives early routine postnatal care (within 2 days)
- Target 4: Every pregnant woman with obstetric complications can access an emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) health facility within 2 hours
- Target 5: Women aged 15-49 make their own informed and empowered decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use, and reproductive health care
How to Use: This document includes the publication of the first-ever EPMM coverage targets, which can be used to monitor progress at national and subnational level. This webinar provides more information on the coverage targets.