Every year, 2.6 million babies die before turning one month old. One million of them take their first and last breaths on the day they are born. However, millions of these young lives could be saved every year if every mother and every baby had access to affordable, quality health care, good nutrition and clean water. This report addresses the challenges of keeping every child alive, and calls for strong cooperation among governments, businesses, health-care providers, communities and families to give every newborn a fair chance to survive, and to collectively work towards the achievement of universal health coverage, and a world where no newborn dies of a preventable cause.
This 2018 report from UNICEF outlines the global challenge of keeping every newborn alive, presents data on where newborns deaths are occuring, proposes an agenda for action that addresses both expanding access and improving quality of care, and offers a way forward that focuses on place (clean, functional health facilities), people (well trained health workers), products (life-saving drugs and equipment), and power (dignity, respect, and accountability).