The harmonized health facility assessment (HHFA) represents a resource package for conducting standardized health facility surveys. The HHFA enables a comprehensive, external review of the availability of health facility services, the systems that facilities have in place to deliver services at required standards of quality, and the effectiveness of the services. Availability, quality and effectiveness of health services are integral to universal health coverage (UHC) and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). HHFA data can support health sector reviews, planning and policy-making, and enable evidence-based decision-making for strengthening country health services.
The HHFA builds upon the USAID/WHO Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) and incorporates components of other key global health facility surveys and indicator lists. It is based on global service standards and uses standardized indicators, questionnaires and data collection methodologies. Standardization of indicators and data collection promotes alignment of health facility survey approaches and enables comparability of results over time and across geographic areas.