Strong and integrated surveillance and response systems for both maternal and perinatal mortality can help countries obtain accurate cause of death information and use it to take action to improve health and reduce deaths. To support linkages between maternal and perinatal death surveillance systems and to update global resources, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership and multiple UN agencies — the World Health Organization, UNFPA, and UNICEF — have developed an integrated Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) Capacity Building Package that can be used to support country capacity for MPDSR through virtual means. For the first time, capacity building materials for both maternal and perinatal mortality surveillance have been combined into one package, which also includes updated guidance and COVID-19 modules. These combined materials can be used by countries to help build capacity for implementing MPDSR at the facility level. You can learn more about MPDSR through this WHO operational guide and WHO knowledge brief on MPDSR and quality of care.