WHO’s framework for improving quality of care for women and newborns around the time of childbirth encompasses the provision and experience of care and key health system functions necessary to achieve quality health care. This set of resources is related to experience of care and respectful care. It focuses on key and emerging evidence, experience, and guidance related to communication, women’s experience of care, respect, preservation of dignity, and the need for emotional support.
This page includes a curated list of select resources presenting key evidence on the emergence of the respectful care movement, the importance of respectful care for women and newborns, evidence on prevalence of disrespectful care, and evidence about what matters most to women who receive MNH care– with additional resources to be added on an ongoing basis.

For recent WHO guidance on provision of high quality MNH care across the continuum of care, outlining best clinical practices and incorporating the principles of experience of care and respectful care, please see this set of curated resources.

Share your evidence, resources, stories, and ideas! AlignMNH is still building and learning. Let us know if you have an item to feature on our quality of care country experiences page.

This page suggests select tools, resources, and packages to support country implementation of key quality of care approaches.

This section is under development. It will include select materials to help country stakeholders make the case for investing in strategies to the experience of care and respectful care.

This section offers information related to additional partners, forums, or resources for continued learning and discussion about the provision of high quality MNH care.